[HTTPS-Everywhere] License issue with utils/zipfile_deterministic.py (was: 3.4.2 and 4.0development.13 released)

Yan Zhu yan at MIT.EDU
Sat Oct 5 10:14:36 PDT 2013

Hash: SHA1

On Sat 05 Oct 2013 07:26:11 AM PDT, Jérémy Bobbio wrote:
> Micah Lee:
>> Actually, Yan and I just discovered that this release isn't _quite_
>> deterministic. So we'll have to wait for our next release to make the
>> announcement.
>> The build process in the HTTPS Everywhere repository is completely
>> deterministic for Firefox, but when we do public releases we run a
>> separate unpublished script to make things easier. We didn't update
>> this script before making this release, so we'll have to update it
>> before the next release before the xpi is actually deterministic.
> Also, I suspect there is a license problem with the new so I'm not going
> to update the Debian package for now:

We also realized this a moment after updating. Currently, it seems like
we would need to include a copy of
http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6/license/ in the repository
and also "include the notice “"Python" is a registered trademark of the
Python Software Foundation” in the appropriate part of your
documentation or About box and place the “®” symbol after the first
mention of “Python” in your documentation."

Actually, does this mean we should have done the latter even before
this release if we mentioned Python anywhere in our documentation or

> There's no indication of a license for utils/zipfile_deterministic.py
> except that it says it's a fork. Fork means that there is an initial
> code base, and the latter usually has authors and copyrights.
> Python is crazily versatile. Can't this be fixed by a monkey patch?
> If not, could you provide proper license and authorship information?

Thanks! The only downside of a monkey patch as far as I can tell is
that the build would be a few seconds slower, because we would create a
non-deterministic zipped file, canonicalize the zipinfo values, and
then write to a new zipfile. But then again, since usually developers
don't care about making a deterministic build when testing the
extension, this could just be an optional process that happens after
the normal build process, taking the zip file created by makexpi.sh as

I think this is actually a better design, so I'll volunteer to go ahead
and change it.

- -Yan

> Thanks!

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