[HTTPS-Everywhere] Important: New testing requirements for rulesets

Maxim Nazarenko nz.phone at mail.ru
Tue Feb 10 10:54:42 PST 2015

First of all, my congratulations on implementing the tests! I'm
interested in running tests from my machine, so two questions, if you
don't mind

1) Since it doesn't run under windows, what is the
official/recommended configuration? Like recommended distribution,
required packages, etc.
2) Is there any way to pause and then resume testing?

Thank you!

Best regards,
Maxim Nazarenko

On 9 February 2015 at 23:11, Jacob Hoffman-Andrews <jsha at eff.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As part of the maintainability effort, I'm introducing testing of
> rulesets through hiviah's HTTPS Everywhere Checker:
> https://github.com/hiviah/https-everywhere-checker. Checking all 14k
> rulesets takes a long time, so for now I'll be running this manually and
> disabling rulesets.
> To make automated testing easier, I've introduced a new <test url="..."
> /> tag for rulesets. This allows ruleset authors to specify URLs that
> should be fetched to verify that the ruleset still works. I've
> introduced testing code to ensure that all new or changed rulesets have
> sufficient test cases. Details below. I'll also be adding this
> documentation to the source tree shortly.
> # Ruleset coverage requirements
> Goals:
>  100% coverage of all targets and all branches of all regexes in each
> ruleset.
> Each ruleset has a number of "implicit" test URLs based on the target
> hosts. For
> each target host e.g. example.com, there is an implicit test URL of
> http://example.com/. Exception: target hosts that contain a wildcard
> ("*.example.com") do
> not create an implicit test URL.
> Additional test URLs can be added with the new <test> tag in the XML, e.g.
> <test url="http://example.com/complex-page">.
> Test URLs will be matched against the regexes in each <rule> and
> <exclusion>. A
> test URL can only match against one <rule> and one <exclusion>. Once all the
> test URLs have been matched up, we count the number of test URLs
> matching each
> <rule> and each <exclusion>, and make sure the count meets the minimum
> number.
> The minimum number of test URLs for each <rule> or <exclusion> is one
> plus the
> number of '*', '+', '?', or '|' characters in the regex. Since each of these
> characters increases the complexity of the regex (usually increasing the
> variety
> of URLs it can match), we require correspondingly more test URLs to
> ensure good
> coverage.
> TODO: We'd like to also require that there be at least three test URLs
> for every
> target host with a left-side wildcard, and at least ten test URLs for each
> target host with a right-side wildcard. But this is not yet implemented.
> # Example:
>       <ruleset name="example.com">
>         <target host="example.com" />
>         <target host="*.example.com" />
>         <test url="http://www.example.com/" />
>         <test url="http://beta.example.com/" />
>         <rule from="^http://([\w-]+\.)?dezeen\.com/"
>             to="https://$1dezeen.com/" />
>       </ruleset>
> This ruleset has one implicit test URL from a target host
> ("http://example.com/"). The other target host has a wildcard, so creates no
> implicit test URL. There's a single rule. That rule contains a '+' and a
> '?', so
> it requires a total of three matching test URLs. We add the necessary
> test URLs
> using explicit <test> tags.
> # Testing and Continuous Build
> Testing for rulest coverage is now part of the Travis CI continuous build.
> Currently we only test rulesets that have been modified since February 2
> 2015.
> Submitting changes to any ruleset that does not meet the coverage
> requirements
> will break the build. This means that even fixes of existing rules may
> require
> additional work to bring them up to snuff.
> To run the tests locally, you'll need the https-everywhere-checker,
> which is now
> a submodule of https-everywhere. Run these commands to set it up:
>     git submodule init
>     git submodule update
>     cd https-everywhere-checker
>     pip install --user -r requirements.txt
>     cd -
>     ./test-ruleset-coverage.sh
> Note you may also need to apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev so that
> one of
> the requirements in https-everywhere-checker can be satisfied.
> To test a specific ruleset:
>      python2.7
> https-everywhere-checker/src/https_everywhere_checker/check_rules.py
> https-everywhere-checker/checker.config.sample rules/Example.xml
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