[HTTPS-Everywhere] An idea for the project...

Michael Lissner mlissner at michaeljaylissner.com
Sat Jul 10 20:23:48 PDT 2010


I figured out a trick for the HTTPS-Everywhere add-on that you may be interested
in. I'm not sure if it will pass the EFF's moral/ethical rules, but if you set
up a store on Amazon, you can use the add-on to redirect people to the store
(and make a profit).

So, I was thinking that with an opt-in setting in the add-on, the EFF might be
able to leverage the people using it to get some cut of money from Amazon every
time they make a purchase.

For example, if you have a store named "foo" a rewrite rule like this will
direct people using amazon to your store:
<ruleset name="Amazon (EFF Redirect)">
    <rule from="^https?://(www\.)?amazon\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/(\S{10})/(.*)"
            to="https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/$2/foo/" />

Then, when they make a purchase from that URL, you'll get a cut, in theory.
Their browsing experience is unchanged, but in the mean time, your add-on has a
revenue stream.

Just a thought. Let me know if I'm not making any sense...



Michael Lissner
mlissner at michaeljaylissner.com

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