[HTTPS-E Rulesets] Alluremedia - possible typo

Christopher Liu cmliu00151 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 09:49:07 PST 2013

To whom it may concern:

The Alluremedia ruleset appears to contain a typo, as the domain
"i0.wp.com.alluremedia.com.au" doesn't seem to exist.
It appears that this was intended to be i0.wp.com/edge.alluremedia.com.au/ .

Also, i0.wp.com currently refuses to proxy/cache anything that is not
an image, so the rule needs to be limited to working on images:
<rule from="^https?://edge\.alluremedia\.com\.au/(assets/img/|m/)"
	to="https://i0.wp.com/edge.alluremedia.com.au/$1" />

Tested on www.kotaku.com.au, www.gizmodo.com.au, www.lifehacker.com.au

C. Liu

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