[HTTPS-E Rulesets] A couple more issues - Gigya, Laughing Squid

Christopher Liu cmliu00151 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 09:42:24 PST 2013

To whom it may concern:

Just a couple more issues I noticed recently.

On www.gigya.com, all the links under the "Company" tab return 404 in
https, except for "Blog." They work as intended when unencrypted.
Other pages still seem to work fine. A downgrade is needed because of
relative links:
<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:www\.)?gigya\.com/(?:company/?|privacy-board/|media-coverage/|press-room/|careers/|social-media-resources/|contact-us/)$"
<rule from="^https://(www\.)?gigya\.com/(company/?|privacy-board/|media-coverage/|press-room/|careers/|social-media-resources/|contact-us/)$"
	to="http://$1gigya.com/$2" downgrade="1" />
(Enhancement of lower priority: Gigya now has a CDN that supports
https at cdns.gigya.com; we should probably point cdn.gigya.com there
instead of to origin. This *seems* to work fine in my casual testing.
CDN buckets: cdns.gigya.com.edgekey.net)

Laughing Squid (laughingsquid.com) appears to be broken in that most
pages redirect to http. For example:

Thank you for your time and help.
C. Liu

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