[User] Openwireless software releases

Ranga Krishnan ranga at eff.org
Wed Dec 3 12:47:28 PST 2014

Bugfix release: 

There was an openwireless router software release yesterday. This 
as to fix a few bugs. The github commit I made yesterday has more 
details. We don't have a "Release notes" file going yet. I will do that

If you are running one of these routers it should have autoupdated 
overnight. Your help ensuring that these updates are going smoothly 
is much appreciated. In that regard please report :

(a) If your router did not auto-update

(b) If you lost any customizations you made, either through the Web-UI 
	or by configuring the router via ssh. This is only the second update
	since the initial software release. Consequently it is not fully 
	validated that upgrades are happening without impact to users. 

MVP-EarlyAdopter/alpha release : 

Later this month we will be making an alpha software release (See 
github MVP-EarlyAdopter/alpha milestone for details). With release
of the alpha, the router will have advanced to the stage that it can serve
as your primary home router. This is in contrast to the current 
recommendation that only "hackers" helping improve the router use it.  

In order to reach alpha, I want to ensure that the software updates
are going smoothly and not requiring redoing configs (at least for 
most people).  So again, please do report any hiccups with the Bugfix
release that was put out yesterday, so they can be addressed prior to 
release of the alpha. 

Thanks for being Early Adopters,

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