[OpenWireless Tech] greetings! seeking open wireless projects

Dan Auerbach dan at eff.org
Fri Jul 19 14:26:53 PDT 2013

Hi everyone,

We at EFF are writing up a taxonomy of existing "open wireless"
commercial or non-commercial projects that have launched and would love
input from folks on this list. So far we are looking at:

Fon - http://corp.fon.com/
Comcast -
Karma - https://yourkarma.com/
Ruckus - http://www.ruckuswireless.com/
KeyWifi - is this project still active?

We're sure there are many more, and wanted to see if people here could
help by pointing us towards launched projects to add to the list. It's
hard to draw a bright line between what counts as a "launched project"
vs, say, a technical solution. For example, we don't want to include a
protocol like EAP-SIM or firmware that has optional open wireless as a
launched project, but firmware that ships with "default on" guest
networking might qualify. Any suggestions you have are great so don't
hesitate to let us know about any cool thing related to open wireless,
just please don't be offended if we decide not to categorize it as a
launched project.

Our goal is NOT to promote these solutions, but rather just to give an
idea of what's out there, what desirable properties each offering has,
and what properties it lacks. For example, we think decentralized
solutions that have no captive portals or authentication and are
universally available are preferred.

We still are working on traffic prioritization and improving guest
networking features, and plan to update our openwireless.org website
soon with some research and potential directions for the next phase of
open wireless. We hope that this as well as the current taxonomy will
help guide those who are working on open wireless towards productive
work that will help build the future of truly open wireless that we all


Dan Auerbach
Staff Technologist
Electronic Frontier Foundation
dan at eff.org
415 436 9333 x134

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