\\js js0000 at riseup.net
Thu Aug 15 08:51:46 PDT 2013

On Wed, 14 Aug 2013 23:09:34 -0400, Alexander List <alex at list.priv.at>  

> There are way too many startups out there that try to monetize on  
> growing security conerns by clueless end users.

but isn't that the game? some words of p.t.barnum seem relevant here, but  
also his image as a circus barker.

capitalism is about making money for yourself. it is not about helping  
other humans live better [for many different values of "better"]. i  
suggest that it's overwhelming failures to make things better for the vast  
majority of humanity [99.99%] is the reason for both amazing things [like  
openwireless- despite it's false starts and slow growth] and horrible  
things [like turning the network into one giant surveillance tool instead  
of a tool for people to live better].

a bit oversimplistic, true. but it's a verbal abstraction- like  
proof-of-concept code but in english instead of javascript.

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