[OpenWireless Tech] [peers] guifi, freifunk etc.

Christian Huldt christian at solvare.se
Wed Nov 7 00:02:56 PST 2012

2012-11-07 kl. 08:20 skrev ☮ elf Pavlik ☮:

> hello,
> i would like to ask if you collaborate with or at least so far have a list of established open wifi communities?
> ex:
> https://guifi.net/
> http://start.freifunk.net/

One of the problems is that there is no such list that is exhaustive, and everytime this comes up there is yet another list that maintained for some time...

At the international summit for community wireless networks (IS4CWN) in Barcelona these two where discussed, the wikipedia one preferred as anyone could update it


And of course, going to http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV6 is a good way of meeting others involved, the tech track is about mesh protocols while the community track is more generally about community wireless networks.

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