[OpenWireless Tech] A small question about tracking

Russell Senior russell at personaltelco.net
Tue Nov 6 19:38:33 PST 2012

>>>>> "Brad" == Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org> writes:

Russell> Furthermore, instead of whimpering on the sidelines, actually
Russell> participating and proudly and vocally helping making "open"
Russell> the norm will mean increasingly that police can't get away
Russell> with sloppy and destructive investigative work.

Brad> How many people are willing to be the Kent State victims who
Brad> died or were wounded on May 4th, 1970?  How many people are
Brad> willing to be the UC Davis students who were inappropriately
Brad> pepper sprayed in the face on November 18th, 2011?

Brad> Feel free to put your money where your mouth is and actively go
Brad> out and seek UC Davis or Kent State type experiences and then
Brad> report back to us how well this works for you to encourage
Brad> others to do the same.  We'll wait.

Dude, I have been.  For years (since 2005, personally, since 2000 for
our project).

900+ people have connected to my personal network in the last 2
months.  ~50k/year to the ~60 networks we maintain centrally. 

No pepper spray found.

Sure, use a VPN if you want to tunnel your "public" traffic off
somewhere else if you think you need to.  It's not rocket science.

What else are you waiting for?

Russell Senior, President
russell at personaltelco.net

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