[Sovereign Keys] NameCoin

Левашев Иван octagram at bluebottle.com
Wed Jan 11 11:09:04 PST 2012

> The main advantages of the SK approach are:
>  - no exposure to attacks by botnets that have more CPU than the  
> legitimate
>    users of the system
Since the introduction of merged mining this is not a big issue.  
Major BTC mining pools have enabled merged mining at the moment. This  
makes NMC strong enough against freeze attacks.

A project like SK can't live purely in a blockchain. As I've said,  
trusted timeline servers are still required to check usual TLD: whois  
and dns.

> Although timeline servers aren't much of a security
> risk in the SK design, they /are/ an availability bottleneck.  If  
> someone
> could succeed in compromising all of them or DOSing most of them  
> for an
> extended period, that would be pretty bad for SK clients.

Timeline servers cross-sign the certificates and these signatures go  
to NMC blockchain which is  highly available. Something like this.

I agree that standalone design makes sence, but redundancy will help  
a lot. Well, maybe let it be optional?

If you want to get to the top, you have to start at the bottom

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