[RightToMod-2021] Right to modify (make use of)

Dan T dant8558 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 12:07:18 PST 2020

Thanks for the follow-up regarding the email bounceback.


Submissions should include the following information:

The product I wanted to use (not even modify):

I wanted to do:
An Offline Income Tax return for Privacy reasons.

TPM interfered with my project:
The CD installation process requires internet access for online activation
before installing anything.

The TPM restricted access to:
Everything the tax software does.

I do not know what would be required to get around the TPM?

Is there another way you could accomplish your goal without doing this? I
suppose I could Download and fill out the IRS PDFs individually. Or use
Glenn Reeves excel spreadsheet (not IRS approved).
<https://sites.google.com/site/excel1040/> . I am not aware of any other
offline Tax software.

Whether we may identify you in our public comments:
I prefer my anonymity.

I do my income tax return 100% offline.

I have used H&R Block Tax Cut basic (or its predecessor) for 25 plus
years.  I buy the CD and sneaker net the updates (updates they kindly make
available to download separately) to a dedicated offline PC, to create,
print, and mail (or take to the accountant for a redo) my tax return.  For
$10 to $30 it's a great deal.  Or it was until the 2019 software CD fails
to install without internet access.  Until 2019 it was a great product that
has served me well.

The requirements listed for 2019 and 2020 tax years include:
INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED for updates, state downloads, e–file. They
omit internet activation required to proceed with software Installation.
Yes, I did call customer service and they offered no workaround for online
registration.  And no, I have not yet tried the 2020 version. My reading of
the 2020 version is that it won't be available as a CD, download only.

Eventually I had to take a laptop with a virgin install of windows to
internet access in order to activate and install the software.  While none
of the help functions were available offline the rest of the software
performed as usual.

I use offline tax software to create a legible tax return and
1) I have no desire to be required to give my data to a third party.
2) I also have no desire to give additional information not required or
present on the 1040 or any of it schedules to that third party.
The tax software I have used requests it (Such as drivers license)

While I have no idea what information is transmitted and to whom if I were
to e-file,   I'm thinking it's more information than is present on my
printed tax return and it goes to more than just the IRS.

And yes I have used an accountant to prepare and e-file my returns.  I
stopped doing so when he required drivers license numbers for my wife and I
be entered into his Lacerte Tax software.

Thanks for Asking and
Thanks for Listening
Anonymous Dan in Seattle

As the bounce back log's show, once it's out there in the ether, It won't
be forgotten.
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