[PrivacyBadger] Import/Export feature

Aditi Bhatnagar aditi24.bhatnagar at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 03:56:28 PST 2015

Hi all

I wish to work on https://github.com/EFForg/privacybadgerfirefox/issues/632

I propose that when privacy badger is installed on any browser, either it
should detect, if possible, if it has been already installed on other
browsers on current system and opens up a prompt asking user if s/he wants
to sync the previous settings or it should ask after installation , if the
user wants to import the settings from other profiles, if yes we should
perform the copy of entire
Badger\jetpack\jid1-MnnxcxisBPnSXQ at jetpack\ directory as suggested. Or we
can even have a sync button, on top right , may be that on click would ask
user to sync from which browser/profile and accordingly copies the files.
(Assuming the location of files in conventional manner.)

We can even think of further extending this sync functionality once we have
Privacy Badger for mobile so that user can sync his/her settings from
Desktop Firefox to Mobile Firefox.

Any suggestions on how can I go about implementing this feature?


Aditi Bhatnagar
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