[Ow-tech] Newbie question

Esteban Manchado Velázquez emanchado at demiurgo.org
Wed Aug 27 14:34:08 PDT 2014

On Wed, 2014-08-27 at 17:21 -0400, Jacob S Hoffman-Andrews wrote:
> >    I meant #219 above, not #220. I just had a quick look at the
> > Javascript code, and I think it's much nicer when all the modules are in
> > external files, and all the UI wiring is in a single place (maybe
> > inlined in index.html, maybe in a specific UI wiring file).
> I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. As I understand it, all
> our JS code is in external files. Are you talking about putting
> everything in index.html and replacing the body instead of navigating?

   No, I'm talking about having eg. requestModule in request.js and
updateModule in update.js, but move all the jQuery event wiring (such as
$('#checkForUpdate').click(...)) to a single place, say wiring.js.

   That way all the Javascript files (except wiring.js, of course!)
would be independent of the actual markup, and probably easier to test
and understand. But maybe you prefer it the way it is now, in that case
I'll let it be.

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