[SSL Observatory] ssl observatory data

Andy Isaacson adi at hexapodia.org
Tue Apr 9 12:17:36 PDT 2013

On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 11:47:46AM +0200, Cyril Reuzé wrote:
> As a student in Master's degree in France, I plan to get back and factorize
> a large number of RSA keys, would it be possible to reach has your
> resources because your torrent have no more seeders ?

You could simply follow the instructions from
https://www.eff.org/pages/howto-using-ssl-observatory-cloud to access
the data in an EC2 instance.  It should cost less than $10 to extract
the RSA modulus for every key from the database, maybe less than $2 if
you're efficient at using EC2.

I've restarted one of my seeders for infohash

which has the public key modulus for the keys, if I read it correctly.
Unfortunately I think all of my copies of the database dump (which
definitely has the modulii) are offline right now.

The database dump is infohash
610CA1BAA703C5A38AA3B5B98A32086305CC6013 observatory-dec-2010.sql.lzma.torrent


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