[SSL Observatory] Perspectives on Convergence of EFF, EPIC, SSL, TOR, NSA, ET CETERA

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at appelbaum.net
Thu Nov 3 18:35:16 PDT 2011

On 11/03/2011 05:27 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> People who throw stones...
> Seems to me that EFF and Moxie have been holding everyone else to a certain
> standard these past few months.
> I don't think that either would accept 'recognized and acknowledged' as an
> excuse.
> In the case of Convergence the site does not say a blessed thing about the
> proposal. Not a squeak, not a sausage. It is pure marketing glitz with
> fancy graphics but no substance.

If someone is going to accuse an open source project of being a backdoor
they could at least link to the offending code.

This rumor is a bunch of bullshit and I can't believe it spilled onto
this list too.

All the best,

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