[SSL Observatory] Name constraints: a reasonable idea that hasn't panned out in practice

=JeffH Jeff.Hodges at KingsMountain.com
Fri Apr 22 16:25:51 PDT 2011

 >> * why couldn't a Swedish CA be able to deliver a certificate to
 >> *.google.com?

well, I think what Chris was really imagining is mis-issuance of certs, for
(well-known) entities that already have certs, to bad actors who then want to
MITM users of said entities.

 > Perhaps because Google is a US company. Similarly, perhaps we should expect
 > certificates for names in google.se to be signed by a Swedish CA.

that's all layer 9 (ie political/bidniz) stuff, and a quagmire because such
"expectations" don't necessarily map to layer 9 realities.

 > I don't know what a good policy for name constraints would be.

My gut feeling is that "name constraints" as specified in X.509 & PKIX are
pretty much unworkable in the real world (see my prior post).

 > So ideas younger than name constraints have been widely and well implemented
 > already. Maybe nobody really wants name constraints, or maybe there is some
 > technical or other limitation in the idea as currently specified. Maybe we
 > could rectify that.

there were a couple of longish threads wrt Name Constraints (and related cert 
naming issues) recently (in IETF-time) on the certid@ list that may be 
illustrative of the mess of issues involved here...

Re: [certid] Need to define "most specific RDN"
     * From: Nelson B Bolyard <nelson at bolyard.me>
     * To: certid at ietf.org
     * Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 08:47:36 -0700

[certid] CN-ID and name constraints

     * From: Matt McCutchen <matt at mattmccutchen.net>
     * To: certid at ietf.org
     * Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 21:10:22 -0400

fyi/fwiw, the spec that came out of all the discussions on certid@ (and tls@, 
apps-discuss@, etc) is...

Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application Service
Identity within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509 (PKIX)
Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer Security (TLS)
(aka "tls server id check")

..whose length and complexity should inform the reader about how 
gnarly/unwieldy all this PKIX/X.509 stuff is.


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