[HTTPS-Everywhere] Tomorrow: 5.0development.4, Monday: 5.0 stable

Jacob Hoffman-Andrews jsha at eff.org
Thu Mar 19 17:12:25 PDT 2015

Hi all,

Wanted to give a heads up that I am planning to make another development
release of HTTPS Everywhere tomorrow. We've received and fixed a number
of great bug reports, and contributors have fixed and re-enabled a bunch
of rules that were disabled by the automated checker.

I'm going to do one more development release just to make sure
everything's peachy, then on Monday I'll release 5.0 stable.

This is a big change from the 4.0 series, so I'm going to roll it out
slowly in case there are major breakages, so they don't affect too many
users. The Chrome Web Store supports staged rollouts in a
straightforward way, so I'll update the Chrome version first, sending it
to all direct Chrome installs from the EFF website, plus 5% of Chrome
installs through the Chrome Web Store. I'll gradually ramp that up
through the week, with a plan to release 5.0 stable to all Firefox users
before the end of the week.


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