[HTTPS-Everywhere] Ruleset style guide

Jacob Hoffman-Andrews jsha at eff.org
Thu Feb 12 16:14:23 PST 2015

The ruleset style guide is now checked in, but we are still accepting
modifications if you have suggestions on how it should be different:

The main notable change here is that we are now encouraging explicit
listing of subdomains <target> tags, *unless* you have a rule that
rewrites every subdomain automatically (but these are rare-ish). This
makes it much easier to achieve sufficient test URL coverage.

Here's an example of a rule updated for the new style:



  Ruleset Style Guide

Goal: rules should be written in a way that is consistent, easy for
humans to read and debug, reduces the chance of errors, and makes
testing easy.

To that end, here are some style guidelines for writing or modifying
rulesets. They are intended to help and simplify in places where choices
are ambiguous, but like all guidelines they can be broken if the
circumstances require it.

Avoid using the left-wildcard ("<target host='*.example.com'>") unless
you really mean it. Many rules today specify a left-wildcard target, but
the rewrite rules only rewrite an explicit list of hostnames.

Instead, prefer listing explicit target hosts and a single rewrite from
"^http:" to "^https:". This saves you time as a ruleset author because
each explicit target host automatically creates a an implicit test URL,
reducing the need to add your own test URLs. These also make it easier
for someone reading the ruleset to figure out which subdomains are covered.

If you know all subdomains of a given domain support HTTPS, go ahead and
use a left-wildcard, along with a plain rewrite from "^http:" to
"^https:". Make sure to add a bunch of test URLs for the more important
subdomains. If you're not sure what subdomains might exist, check the
'subdomain' tab on Wolfram Alpha:

If there are a handful of tricky subdomains, but most subdomains can
handle the plain rewrite from "^http:" to "^https:", specify the rules
for the tricky subdomains first, and then then plain rule last. Earlier
rules will take precedence, and processing stops at the first matching
rule. There may be a tiny performance hit for processing exception cases
earlier in the ruleset and the common case last, but in most cases the
performance issue is trumped by readability.

Avoid regexes with long strings of subdomains, e.g. <rule
from="^http://(foo|bar|baz|bananas).example.com" />. These are hard to
read and maintain, and are usually better expressed with a longer list
of target hosts, plus a plain rewrite from "^http:" to "^https:".

Prefer dashes over underscores in filenames. Dashes are easier to type.

When matching an arbitrary DNS label (a single component of a hostname),
prefer |([\w-]+)| for a single label (i.e www), or |([\w-.]+)| for
multiple labels (i.e. www.beta <http://www.beta>). Avoid more visually
complicated options like |([^/:@\.]+\.)?|.

For |securecookie| tags, it's common to match any cookie name. For
these, prefer |.+| over |.*|. They are functionally equivalent, but it's
nice to be consistent.

Avoid the negative lookahead operator |?!|. This is almost always better
expressed using positive rule tags and negative exclusion tags. Some
rulesets have exclusion tags that contain negative lookahead operators,
which is very confusing.

Prefer capturing groups |(www\.)?| over non-capturing |(?:www\.)?|. The
non-capturing form adds extra line noise that makes rules harder to
read. Generally you can achieve the same effect by choosing a
correspondingly higher index for your replacement group to account for
the groups you don't care about.

Here is an example ruleset today:

|<ruleset name="WHATWG.org">
  <target host="whatwg.org" />
  <target host="*.whatwg.org" />

  <rule from="^http://((?:developers|html-differences|images|resources|\w+\.spec|wiki|www)\.)?whatwg\.org/"
    to="https://$1whatwg.org/" />


Here is how you could rewrite it according to these style guidelines,
including test URLs:

|<ruleset name="WHATWG.org">
  <target host="whatwg.org" />
  <target host="developers.whatwg.org" />
  <target host="html-differences.whatwg.org" />
  <target host="images.whatwg.org" />
  <target host="resources.whatwg.org" />
  <target host="*.spec.whatwg.org" />
  <target host="wiki.whatwg.org" />
  <target host="www.whatwg.org" />

  <test url="http://html.spec.whatwg.org/" />
  <test url="http://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/" />
  <test url="http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/" />
  <test url="http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/" />

  <rule from="^http:"
          to="https:" />


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