[HTTPS-Everywhere] Feature request: option to disable icon in location bar in Android

Ryan Fugger arv at ryanfugger.com
Sat Feb 15 12:47:37 PST 2014

I would like to be able to remove the HTTPS Everywhere icon in the location
bar in Android (version 3.5android.0).  It clutters the interface where
there is other important functionality that I need to access.

Further, I would recommend having this icon removed by default, or even
removed as a feature completely.  How often does the user need access to
this menu?  (I am not even clear what this menu is for -- "Enable/disable
rules: apply changes"?  Which rules (global? this site only?), which
changes?  When I click "Apply changes", the page reloads, but when I again
select the menu, it is exactly the same -- no notification what has
happened, if anything; no way to tell whether the rules in question are now
enabled or disabled; no way to know whether the action, whatever it is
supposed to accomplish, was effective.  This feature should be in the usual
options page of the add-on.  UI space on android is too precious to waste
on slightly faster access to a rarely-used rules toggle.

Thanks for making this product.  I hope I can help improve it.

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