[HTTPS-Everywhere] Features

Vasile Popescu vasilache71 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 03:02:46 PST 2012


First of all, Congratulations. A good work deserve it.
Second... some ideas... maybe it'll become better in time...

1. It's preferences are available only from Add-Ons page... Not from
Tools->HTTPS Finder for example. Somehow it's a good idea, users can't
know easily about its existence (and for now it doesn't have too many
preferences to set... and that lead us to the second point of view)...

a) Can't be use a shortcut in <<about:config>> like
".noscript.keys.tempAllowPage" (an example) that can bring to front
the preferences window of HTTPSEverywhere?

2. I usually use more than 1 computer... at work, home, travel,
friends, etc. So a good idea would be to implement an option about
exporting vs. importing user Rules... Now I had to navigate to Firefox
profiles (linux, windows), make an archive, put it on a stick (one
file is more quickly written and read than more files... ) maybe if
time permitted chek if new "UserRules" are set and extract to the
target firefox profile in HTTPS UserRules folder....

a) Can't be implemented a new tab in preferences where could be shown
the UserRules (and maybe with it's date added), like there is only one
tab with the default rules?
b) On this new tab, a button to EXPORT (7zip archiving or just zip) UserRules
c) And a new button to IMPORT UserRules (from 7zip or zip archive)

3. U have on your site...
"Before sending us a new rule, please check there
to see if your rule has already been submitted by someone else."
At least is something. But as it is in ice age :) In Firefox in "Help
-> Submit Feedback..." every user can tell something... Can't U put
something like that? A web page with possibility of uploading the .xml
files? Or better to be able to send UserRules directly from
preferences of HTTPSEverywhere?

a) A new button "Send us your new UserRules to be included in future
versions of HTTPS Everywhere" that can upload the "New" User Rules....
on your server or in a first step all the UserRules (after exporting
as 7zip or zip... see 2)... or
b) on the web page to have the option to Upload files (7zip or zip)
with user rules... of course limiting the dimension of the files to be
uploaded... or lastly
c) have an email address where users can submit .xml files.

Why 3) ? Because for example I don't want to install the GIT to send
some files... Why does a user had to install a different program to
help an add-on extension grow? And usually Users are navigating
strongly on the internet, not developers... So... your list can grow
in my opinion only if U implement an easily way of submitting new user
rules... I'm looking at HTTPS Finder. It is of a huge help... to you
and us finally... And it has a tab with user new rules... but only per
session. U could do the same... new user rules with the date of the
file... and the possibility of export/import/upload by date by
checking a check box next to each rule like in ad-blockplus for

I spent some time reading and trying to understand how to insert user
rules in the last version that can be downloaded with minimum of time
spent... Maybe I misunderstant the utility GIT. But it doesn't work in
browser so it must be an external program...

4. User rules are set like Microsoft.xml. Sigmanet.xml... Why the
rules are not set like Microsoft.com.xml or Sigmanet.ro.xml?

5. I will send U an attachment with the user rules (archived) I found,
because I couldn't figure out how to use GIT and put them in the
list... And I will paste some of them in this e-mail. If it's a wrong
approach, please let me know so in the future I won't repeat the same
mistakes... But as the rules are already attached, maybe someone who
knows how to use git will do the job for me...

Thx for your patience and for your time ... reading this ... and maybe
for uploading the rules so others can check them and include them in
future versions Of HTTPS everywhere...

The rules... some of them that I found worked not only one time...

<ruleset name="Sigmanet"><target host="www.sigmanet.ro"/><rule
to="https://www.sigmanet.ro/"/></ruleset><!-- Rule generated by HTTPS
Finder 0.77 -->

<ruleset name="Pcgarage"><target host="www.pcgarage.ro"/><rule
to="https://www.pcgarage.ro/"/></ruleset><!-- Rule generated by HTTPS
Finder 0.77 -->

<ruleset name="Filesonic"><target host="www.filesonic.ro"/><rule
to="https://www.filesonic.ro/"/></ruleset><!-- Rule generated by HTTPS
Finder 0.77 -->

<ruleset name="Compari"><target host="www.compari.ro"/><rule
to="https://www.compari.ro/"/></ruleset><!-- Rule generated by HTTPS
Finder 0.77 -->

<ruleset name="Disktrix"><target host="www.disktrix.com"/><rule
to="https://www.disktrix.com/"/></ruleset><!-- Rule generated by HTTPS
Finder 0.77 -->

<ruleset name="Microsoft"><target host="www.microsoft.com"/><rule
to="https://www.microsoft.com/"/></ruleset><!-- Rule generated by
HTTPS Finder 0.77 -->

<ruleset name="F-secure"><target host="www.f-secure.com"/><rule
to="https://www.f-secure.com/"/></ruleset><!-- Rule generated by HTTPS
Finder 0.77 -->
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