[HTTPS-Everywhere] No place to report issues listed on https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere

James Moore james at restphone.com
Tue Feb 7 08:46:23 PST 2012

Just installed the chrome version of httpseverywhere ( 2012.2.6), and
had a problem on LinkedIn (the edit profile page just reloads in a
loop).  I wanted to report an issue, or at least figure out if you
want the issue reported at all, so I went to
https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere .  There's nothing on that page
about bug reports, though.

The next place I went was the FAQ at
https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere/faq/.  Slightly better there,
since there's a section that says:

What if HTTPS Everywhere breaks some part of a site I use?
A. This is occasionally possible because of inconsistent support for
HTTPS on sites (e.g., when a site seems to support HTTPS access but
makes a few, unpredictable, parts of the site unavailable in HTTPS).
If you report the problem to us, we can try to fix it.

But there's nothing that says where to report it.

James Moore
james at restphone.com

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