[HTTPS-Everywhere] Unclear rule problem... MyPoints -> Best Buy

Erik Harris erik at eharrishome.com
Mon Apr 9 17:51:57 PDT 2012

MyPoints occasionally sends emails for points deals at BestBuy. The 
links in the email go to mypoints.com, but redirect to 
deals.bestbuy.com.  With HTTPS-Everywhere enabled, they go to 
https://deals.bestbuy.com/[whatever], which doesn't exist.  This, 
despite the fact that there's no rule for bestbuy.com. With 
HTTPS-Everywhere disabled, the link works fine.  If I disable the rule 
for mypoints.com, it still attempts to go to the nonexistant 
https://deals.bestbuy.com link.

The links are personalized to the recipient's MyPoints account, so I'm 
hesitant to provide one as an example, just in case there's a way to get 
into my account from the link (I'd think that shouldn't be possible, but 
I'm not certain).

I'm using HTTPS-Everywhere 3.0dev1 in Firefox 12 beta.


Erik Harris                               http://www.eHarrisHome.com

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real 
tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." - Plato

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