[HTTPS-Everywhere] A rules file for local council websites in the UK

David Batley httpseverywhere at dbatley.com
Sat Feb 19 13:38:27 PST 2011


I've made some rules for local government websites in the UK.


There's about 450 local councils, so I decided to automate the process
by fetching the homepage of each website (following the 302 redirects
to get to the actual website), then fetching the http and https
version of the homepage and comparing them. Although I've uploaded the
script to http://dbatley.com/https/localgov/ , it's really bad
hacked-together code: unstructured code with no parallellzation, no
retry on failure, no cookie support, and with plenty of hard-coded
special cases.

The script is really only good for getting the initial list of
websites, and weeding out the un-interesting cases. It doesn't (for
example) check the validity of the ssl cert. So I have visited each of
the entries by hand to check they work.

I've done all these councils in one file because there's a lot of them
(would spam the config dialog), and most people are only likely to
visit their local one. Hope that's ok?


PS: https://www.derrycity.gov.uk/ was an interesting case - they're on
a shared hosting plan and aren't the default https entry :)

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