[HTTPS-Everywhere] The standard pattern for 'www.'

https-everywhere at lists.grepular.com https-everywhere at lists.grepular.com
Thu Dec 23 04:44:59 PST 2010

On 23/12/2010 05:01, Whizz Mo wrote:

> Disclosure:  I haven't the faintest notion about the exact algorithmic
> details of the NoScript/HTTPSEverywhere engine. 
> In broad strokes, a naive pattern matcher coupled with a simple tree
> structure /might /be able to check matches in logarithmic (not linear)
> time, and /should /stop processing string characters as soon as a
> determinate match has been made (i.e. leaf node has been reached). 
> Throwing regex into the mix adds considerable power and flexibility,
> though usually at some expense to execution time.  I am curious as to
> the scale of the tradeoff (bytes of memory vs execution cycles).  With
> Mozilla making concerted efforts to bring Firefox's speed into the
> running with Chrome, it might be worth a look. 

I'm not sure it's that important now we have and enforce the <target/>
tags. No matter how many rulesets we have, most HTTP requests wont lead
to the execution of any regular expressions, and those that do will only
lead to a few regex's being tried. There are probably other parts of the
code which could be optimised for bigger wins right now.

Mike Cardwell https://secure.grepular.com/   https://twitter.com/mickeyc
Professional  http://cardwellit.com/ http://linkedin.com/in/mikecardwell
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