[HTTPS-E Rulesets] pgp.mit.edu ruleset

Jeff Hammett jeff at jeffhammett.com
Fri May 23 15:37:30 PDT 2014

I think my attachment might have been removed on my most recent email? I added the pgp subdomain to the main mit.xml file on line 131 like in your commit. I also added the pgp subdomain to the “Fully covered subdomains” list on line 75. Plain text below.

	For problematic rules, see MIT-mismatches.xml.

	Other MIT rulesets:

		- Touchstone_Network.xml

	Nonfunctional mit.edu subdomains:

		- arts *
		- artscal **
		- civic		(no https)
		- csail		(cert: inquir.csail.mit.edu; handshake fails)
		- css.csail *
		- inquir.csail	(cert: inquir.csail.mit.edu; handshake fails)
		- www.csail	(handshake_failure)
		- development ***
		- events	(interruped)
		- executive
		- img		(shows web; mismatched, CN: web.mit.edu)
		- web.media
		- mvl		(self-signed, expired; 403)
		- ocw		(503, Akamai)
		- scratch	(times out)
		- student	(redirects to idp, valid cert)
		- stuff *
		- tech		(cert: the-tech.mit.edu; 401)
		- the-tech	(401)
		- web ****
		- xvm ***
		- websis	(shows student; mismatched, CN: student.mit.edu)
		- www ****

	* No https
	** Times out
	*** Handshake fails
	**** Redirects to cert_error/

	Problematic subdomains:

		- 3down		(works, self-signed)
		- calendar	(works, expired 2013-01-27)
		- cluedumps *
		- hacks *
		- ideabank	(mismatched, CN: future.mit.edu)
		- itinfo	(redirects to ist; mismatched, CN: ist.mit.edu)
		- techblogs	($ works, at least some pages 404, expired, self-signed)
		- techtime	(mismatched, CN: calendar.mit.edu)

	* Works; mismatched, CN: *.scripts.mit.edu

	Fully covered subdomains:

		- alum
		- alumsso
		- athena10
		- ca
		- pdos.csail
		- debathena
		- future
		- giving
		- gsc
		- ideabank	(→ future)
		- idp
		- linerva
		- immersion.media
		- mit150
		- odge
		- orgchart
		- pgp
		- picker
		- sipb
		- stellar
		- webpub
		- whereis
		- wikis

	Mixed image on picker from web

<ruleset name="Massachusetts Institute of Technology (partial)">

	<target host="*.mit.edu" />
	<target host="www.*.mit.edu" />
	<target host="people.csail.mit.edu" />
	<target host="mitpressjournals.org" />
	<target host="www.mitpressjournals.org" />

	<!--	Observed cookie domains:

			- alum
			- .alum
			- alumsso
			- athena10
			- ca
			- cluedumps
			- debathena
			- .future
			- giving
			- gsc
			- idp
			- .ist
			- kb
			- .mit150
			- mitpress
			- scripts
			- stellar
			- student
			- wayf
			- webpub
			- whereis
			- wikis
	<securecookie host="^(?:alum|alumsso|athena10|ca|debathena|giving|gsc|idp|kb|mitpress|scripts|stellar|webpub|wikis).mit\.edu$" name=".*" />
	<!--securecookie host="^\.alum\.mist\.edu$" name="^S?SESS\w{32}$" /-->
	<!--securecookie host="^\.future\.mist\.edu$" name="^SSESS\w{32}$" /-->
	<!--securecookie host="^\.ist\.mist\.edu$" name="^SSESS\w{32}$" /-->
	<!--securecookie host="^\.mit150\.mist\.edu$" name="^SESS\w{32}$" /-->
	<securecookie host="^wayf\.mit\.edu$" name=".*" />

	<rule from="^http://mit\.edu/"
		to="https://mit.edu/" />

	<rule from="^http://(alum|alumsso|athena10|ca|(?:groups|pdos|people)\.csail|debathena|future|giving|gsc|idp|ist|kb|librar(?:ies|y)|linerva|mail|immersion\.media|mit150|odge|orgchart|pgp|picker|(?:www\.|zyan\.)?scripts|sipb|stellar|wayf|webpub|whereis|wikis)\.mit\.edu/"
		to="https://$1.mit.edu/" />

	<rule from="^http://ideabank\.mit\.edu/"
		to="https://future.mit.edu/" />

	<rule from="^https?://(?:www\.)?mitpress\.mit\.edu/"
		to="https://mitpress.mit.edu/" />

	<rule from="^http://scripts\.mit\.edu:444/"
		to="https://scripts.mit.edu:444/" />

	<rule from="^http://(www\.)?mitpressjournals\.org/((?:entityImage|na101|sda|templates|userimages)/|action/(?:registration|showLogin)$)"
		to="https://www.mitpressjournals.org/$2" />


Jeff Hammett

On May 23, 2014, at 3:28 PM, Yan Zhu <yan at eff.org> wrote:

> On 05/23/2014 03:25 PM, Jeff Hammett wrote:
>> This is my first time writing/editing any https everywhere rules, but the attached file seems to work and doesn’t produce any errors.
> yep, your rule is technically correct, but it's easier to keep rules
> organized if they're grouped by domain. I added it here:
> https://github.com/EFForg/https-everywhere/commit/8ba605d416b73d859bc2a9a700c81bd26902b325.
>> --
>> Jeff Hammett
>> https://www.jeffhammett.com
>> On May 23, 2014, at 2:39 PM, Yan Zhu <yan at eff.org> wrote:
>>> On 05/22/2014 04:04 PM, Jeff Hammett wrote:
>>>> I tried to send this yesterday, but it didn’t seem to go through.
>>>> I saw the note about not merging new rulesets until the 4.0 release, but I figured I’d sent this in now anyways since I didn’t see it in the git repository.
>>>> This is my first time writing a rule, but it seems to work without producing any errors as far as I can tell.
>>> Thanks! Could you add this to the main MIT.edu ruleset instead of making
>>> a separate one?
>>>> <ruleset name="pgp.mit.edu">
>>>> <target host="pgp.mit.edu" />
>>>> <rule from="^http://pgp\.mit\.edu/" to="https://pgp.mit.edu/"/>
>>>> </ruleset>
>>>> --
>>>> Jeff Hammett
>>>> https://www.jeffhammett.com
>>> -- 
>>> Yan Zhu  <yan at eff.org>, <yan at torproject.org>
>>> Staff Technologist
>>> Electronic Frontier Foundation                  https://www.eff.org
>>> 815 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA  94109       +1 415 436 9333 x134
> -- 
> Yan Zhu  <yan at eff.org>, <yan at torproject.org>
> Staff Technologist
> Electronic Frontier Foundation                  https://www.eff.org
> 815 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA  94109       +1 415 436 9333 x134

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