[HTTPS-E Rulesets] [PATCH] Updated Steam_Community.com.xml rule

Tony Paloma apaloma at adminop.net
Mon Jul 28 13:56:41 PDT 2014

We've recently made a bunch of changes improving the experience for users
browsing steamcommunity.com over HTTPS. Could someone commit the change
below? The change essentially removes all the exclusions and adds a new rule
for CDN content.

My apologies if this request is received by the list multiple times. I tried
to send it last week from my work email, but noticed it never appeared on
the archive, so I'm resending from a different address.

diff --git a/src/chrome/content/rules/Steam_Community.com.xml
index 44867ce..d77ef22 100644
--- a/src/chrome/content/rules/Steam_Community.com.xml
+++ b/src/chrome/content/rules/Steam_Community.com.xml
@@ -13,30 +13,21 @@
        * Secured by us

-<ruleset name="Steam Community.com (partial, broken)" default_off="breaks
some forum embeds">
+<ruleset name="Steam Community">

        <target host="steamcommunity.com" />
        <target host="*.steamcommunity.com" />
-               <!--
-                       Redirects to http
-                                               -->
-               <exclusion pattern="^http://steamcommunity\.com/+($|\?)" />
-               <!--
-                       Breaks news/screenshot/video loading.
-                                       -->
-               <exclusion
creenshots|videos)" />
-               <!--
-                       Breaks thread loading:
-                                               -->
-               <exclusion
pattern="^http://(?:www\.)?steamcommunity\.com/groups/" />
+       <target host="cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com" />

        <securecookie host="^steamcommunity\.com$" name=".+" />

-       <!--    www: cert only matches ^streamcommunity.com.
+       <!--    www: cert only matches ^steamcommunity.com.
        <rule from="^http://(?:cdn\.|www\.)?steamcommunity\.com/"
                to="https://steamcommunity.com/" />

+       <rule from="^http://cdn\.akamai\.steamstatic\.com/"
+               to="https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/" />

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