[HTTPS-E Rulesets] Aeriagames: workaround for bad protocol-relative URLs

Christopher Liu cmliu00151 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 16:17:50 PDT 2013

To whom it may concern:

The unencrypted version of www.aeriagames.com points to
//c.aeriastatic.com for most resources, while the HTTPS version points
to //s.aeriastatic.com. Unfortunately, only c has a valid cert, so we
need to add a rule that rewrites s to c:
<rule from="^https?://[cs]\.aeriastatic\.com/"
to="https://c.aeriastatic.com/" />

For background, this resulted from the site owner's incomplete attempt
to fix mixed active content; see
There is no mixed active content anymore (due to the protocol-relative
URLs), so don't tag the ruleset as such.

CDN buckets: wildcard.aeriastatic.com.edgekey.net,
static.aeriagames.com.edgesuite.net (corresponding to c and s

C. Liu

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