[HTTPS-E Rulesets] Suggested enhancements (affecting Adobe, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Flickr, Mozilla, UCSD, Wikipedia)

Christopher Liu cmliu00151 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 11:32:28 PDT 2012

To whom it may concern:

As a reminder, I am using Firefox and have not tested anything in
Chrome. I have examined the 3.0development.1 release but have been too
busy to keep up with all the Git commits.

New rulesets containing trivial rewrites appear to be possible for the

ajax.aspnetcdn.com (owned by Microsoft but can be used on other sites,
so it should probably have its own ruleset)
American Civil Liberties Union - www.aclu.org
Better Business Bureau - www.bbb.org
BurstNET - www.burst.net (known to be valid both with and without www;
no need to redirect one to the other)
ChevronWP7 Labs - labs.chevronwp7.com
Michigan State University - www.msu.edu (I have never attended this
university, so I haven't tested further. Ruleset should have "partial"
in its name)
Qrobe.it - qrobe.it q1.qrobe.it q2.qrobe.it q3.qrobe.it news.qrobe.it
tam.qrobe.it (consider using \d to future-proof against other qNUMBER
subdomains. Do not browse directly to the qNUMBER subdomains; they are
only used for certain subrequests)
Some parts of Stanford University - ccrma.stanford.edu
fah-web.stanford.edu (I have never attended Stanford, so I haven't
tested further)
Typekit - typekit.com use.typekit.com use.typekit.net

Regarding existing rulesets:

Add www.macromedia.com - the Flash Player Settings Manager lives there
Maybe also community.adobe.com - this fixes some mixed content, e.g.
on https://www.adobe.com/devnet/articles/crossdomain_policy_file_spec.html

km.support.apple.com -> https://km.support.apple.com.edgekey.net fixes
most (all?) of the mixed content on support pages

Barnes and Noble:
There is a redirector at www.bn.com; I think it exists both
with/without www and doesn't support https natively. Known URLs
include www.bn.com (root level) -> www.barnesandnoble.com and
www.bn.com/orderstatus/ (trailing slash optional) ->
I can see some other potential improvements, though I'd better wait
until I have a chance to test buying a book.

It seems I need to clarify what the status is.
farm#.static.flickr.com and farm#.staticflickr.com both exist with
valid https. Numbers 1 through 8 currently exist in both sets of
domains. It is probably best to use \d in case farm9 is added later.

Add support.mozilla.org (to which support.mozilla.com now redirects)
and tbpl.mozilla.org

The changes in this attachment compared to my previous submission include:
Added webmail.ucsd.edu as a redirect to acs-webmail.ucsd.edu
Added jacobsstudent.ucsd.edu in the first section (domains which
already enforce https)
Added a.ucsd.edu in the second section (domains on which https is
working but optional)
Changed www-act to act in the destination page for tritonlink
(although the old URL currently works as a redirect)
Changed the troublereport page destination to
https://a.ucsd.edu/troublereport/ (although the old URL currently
works as a redirect)
Changed the file extension shtml to html in the redirect destinations
on acms.ucsd.edu (although the old URLs currently work as redirects)
(...if I recall correctly. I may have missed something in this list)

According to http://wikitech.wikimedia.org/view/Httpsless_domains ,
the wikimedia.org subdomains fenari, noc, observium, svn, and stafford
no longer need exclusions. (I have only checked noc; some of the
others seem not to be intended for public use.)

Thank you for your time and help.

C. Liu
-------------- next part --------------
<ruleset name="UCSD">
<!-- Note from submitter: I do NOT have an official position in UCSD's information technology departments.
     I prefer not to give out my UCSD-assigned email address, but you should be able to find another email
     address for me by examining the mailing list. -->
<!-- E-Check uses quikpayasp.com; TritonCash uses services.jsatech.com
     These domains belong in separate rulesets because they are not used solely by UCSD.
     Does uc.sumtotalsystems.com (ultimate destination of uclearning) belong here, or do other UCs use it too?
<!-- TODOs:
   <target host="apol-recruit.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="m.ucsd.edu" /> (mobile redirection script supports https because it is used on TritonLink)
   <target host="ogs-calendar.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="students.ucsd.edu" /> (used for some embedded content on TritonLink; a rule for the entire _resources folder was tried and caused breakage)
   <target host="vac.ucsd.edu" /> (Virtual Advising Center - redirects to some page in aventeur)
   <target host="vcsaforms.ucsd.edu" /> (hit during TritonLink logout; is is sslstrip-vulnerable anywhere?)
   <target host="webct.ucsd.edu" /> (redirector; check behavior when logged in vs. out)
   <target host="webctweb.ucsd.edu" /> (superseded by ted)
   <target host="www-no.ucsd.edu" /> (Network Operations, used by ResNet registration etc. not sure if https enforced.
                                      www-ono.ucsd.edu seems to exist too - Old Network Operations?)
   <target host="www.ucsd.edu" /> (supports https for some embedded content on TritonLink)

     TritonLink used to be called StudentLink according to https://sites.google.com/site/ucsdecegsc/information-for-new-students/tips-for-new-students
     This info is several years old and not worth worrying about.

     Known cases of different content between http and https:

     I haven't yet verified the (non-)existence of www subdomains for all cases.
<!-- normally https only; protect against sslstripping -->
   <target host="a4.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="acs-webmail.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="altng.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="aventeur.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="cinfo.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="facilities.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="gradapply.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="graduateapp.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="jacobsstudent.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="myucsdchart.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="sdacs.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="shs.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="ted.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="ucsdbkst.ucsd.edu" />
<!-- supports https but doesn't enforce it on all pages

     CSE, ECE, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanoengineering, Structural Engineering depts share one server.
     Its SubjectAltName also mentions the following domains, but I've not written rules for them because they're for private use:
     oec-vmweb03.ucsd.edu, ece-internal.ucsd.edu, t (unqualified!)
     There is usually mixed content from www.jacobsschool.ucsd.edu -->
   <target host="a.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="acms.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="bookstore.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.bookstore.ucsd.edu" /><!-- cert mismatch, rule redirects it to domain without www -->
   <target host="cs.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.cs.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="cse.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.cse.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="ece.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.ece.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="hdh.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.hdh.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="hds.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.hds.ucsd.edu" /><!-- cert mismatch, rule redirects it to domain without www -->
   <target host="maeweb.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="nanoengineering.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.nanoengineering.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="ne-web.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="ne.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="neweb.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="roger.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.roger.ucsd.edu" /><!-- cert mismatch, rule redirects it to domain without www -->
   <target host="se.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="structures.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.structures.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="uxt.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www-cs.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www-cse.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www-ne.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www-structures.ucsd.edu" />
<!-- only some features known to support https; protect them against sslstripping (not Firesheep) -->
   <target host="act.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="health.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="libraries.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="studenthealth.ucsd.edu" /><!-- XXX: Does this still use ipsCA? -->
   <target host="www-act.ucsd.edu" />
<!-- redirectors
     TODO: full Link Family list at http://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/help-desk/applications/link-family/list.html -->
   <target host="accesslink.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="acs.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="cri.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="desktop.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="financiallink.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="iwdc.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="marketplace.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="mytritonlink.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.mytritonlink.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="resnet.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="software.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="sysstaff.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="tritonlink.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www.tritonlink.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="uclearning.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="webmail.ucsd.edu" />
   <target host="www-acs.ucsd.edu" />

<!-- Other things could stand to have securecookie, but these are the most important:
     a4 is used for login pages and some embedded scripts related to the login system. It doesn't yet flag its cookies as https-only.
     acs-webmail uses at least two cookies, only one of which is normally flagged https-only. -->
   <securecookie host="^(.+\.)?a(4|cs-webmail)\.ucsd\.edu$" name=".*" />

   <rule from="^http://a4\.ucsd\.edu/"             to="https://a4.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://(acs-)?webmail\.ucsd\.edu/" to="https://acs-webmail.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://altng\.ucsd\.edu/"          to="https://altng.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://aventeur\.ucsd\.edu/"       to="https://aventeur.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://cinfo\.ucsd\.edu/"          to="https://cinfo.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://facilities\.ucsd\.edu/"     to="https://facilities.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://gradapply\.ucsd\.edu/"      to="https://gradapply.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://graduateapp\.ucsd\.edu/"    to="https://graduateapp.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://jacobsstudent\.ucsd\.edu/"  to="https://jacobsstudent.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://myucsdchart\.ucsd\.edu/"    to="https://myucsdchart.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://sdacs\.ucsd\.edu/"          to="https://sdacs.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://shs\.ucsd\.edu/"            to="https://shs.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://ted\.ucsd\.edu/"            to="https://ted.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://ucsdbkst\.ucsd\.edu/"       to="https://ucsdbkst.ucsd.edu/" />

   <rule from="^http://a\.ucsd\.edu/"                       to="https://a.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://acms\.ucsd\.edu/"                    to="https://acms.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://(www\.)?bookstore\.ucsd\.edu/"       to="https://bookstore.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://(www[-\.])?cs(e)?\.ucsd\.edu/"       to="https://$1cs$2.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://(www\.)?ece\.ucsd\.edu(:16080)?/"    to="https://$1ece.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://(www\.)?hdh\.ucsd\.edu/"             to="https://$1hdh.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://(www\.)?hds\.ucsd\.edu/"             to="https://hds.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://maeweb\.ucsd\.edu/"                  to="https://maeweb.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://(www\.)?nanoengineering\.ucsd\.edu/" to="https://$1nanoengineering.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://ne(-?web)?\.ucsd\.edu/"              to="https://ne$1.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://(www\.)?roger\.ucsd\.edu/"           to="https://roger.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://se\.ucsd\.edu/"                      to="https://se.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://(www\.)?structures\.ucsd\.edu/"      to="https://$1structures.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://uxt\.ucsd\.edu/"                     to="https://uxt.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://www-ne\.ucsd\.edu/"                  to="https://www-ne.ucsd.edu/" />
   <rule from="^http://www-structures\.ucsd\.edu/"          to="https://www-structures.ucsd.edu/" />

   <rule from="^http://health\.ucsd\.edu/request_appt/" 
           to="https://health.ucsd.edu/request_appt/" />
   <rule from="^http://libraries\.ucsd\.edu/digital/"
           to="https://libraries.ucsd.edu/digital/" />
<!-- Most of studenthealth.ucsd.edu does not enforce https.
     The Ask-A-Question feature, located in the folder /secure/askaquestion/, does enforce https, and it requires login (via a4 page).
     XXX: Does this still use ipsCA? If so...
     This rule only protects against sslstripping. The cert error is NOT this rule's fault and would still occur without the rule. -->
   <rule from="^http://studenthealth\.ucsd\.edu/secure/" 
           to="https://studenthealth.ucsd.edu/secure/" />
<!-- Link Family is migrating from www-act to act. Redirection exists. Many student-accessible features have CamelCased names like studentDirectDeposit -->
   <rule from="^http://(www-)?act\.ucsd\.edu/(bsl/home|cgi-bin/[A-Za-z]+link\.pl|classPlanner|marketplace-sso|mytritonlink/view|myTritonlink20|student[A-Z][A-Za-z]+/[A-Za-z]+|travellink/home)" 
           to="https://$1act.ucsd.edu/$2" />

   <rule from="^http://accesslink\.ucsd\.edu/" 
           to="https://altng.ucsd.edu/" />
<!-- err on the side of not breaking things, hoping that no subpages are used. Replace www-act with act in these? -->
   <rule from="^http://financiallink\.ucsd\.edu/?$"
           to="https://www-act.ucsd.edu/cgi-bin/financiallink.pl" />
   <rule from="^http://marketplace\.ucsd\.edu/?$"
           to="https://www-act.ucsd.edu/marketplace-sso/signon" />
   <rule from="^http://(www\.)?(my)?tritonlink\.ucsd\.edu/?$" 
           to="https://act.ucsd.edu/myTritonlink20/display.htm" />
   <rule from="^http://uclearning\.ucsd\.edu/" 
           to="https://a4.ucsd.edu/lms/" />
<!-- redirects to acms go below -->
<!-- cri ultimately redirects to the ACMS homepage because the CRI dept was closed, although this rule is correct for the initial bounce. That isn't our problem
     NB: These have subpages. resnet has been tested fairly well, except the conference guest registration (resnet.ucsd.edu/conf) which might not exist anymore, but software and maybe iwdc need more testing. -->
   <rule from="^http://(cri|desktop|iwdc|resnet|software|sysstaff)\.ucsd\.edu/"
           to="https://acms.ucsd.edu/units/$1/" />
<!-- was https://acms.ucsd.edu/troublereport/, which is now a redirect; note that a.ucsd.edu is also officially part of ACMS -->
   <rule from="^http://(www-)?acs\.ucsd\.edu/troublereport/?$"
           to="https://a.ucsd.edu/troublereport/" />
   <rule from="^http://www-acs\.ucsd\.edu/?$"
           to="https://acms.ucsd.edu/index.html" />
   <rule from="^http://www-acs\.ucsd\.edu/account-tools/oce-intro\.shtml$"
           to="https://acms.ucsd.edu/students/oce-intro.html" />
   <rule from="^http://www-acs\.ucsd\.edu/instructional/?$"
           to="https://acms.ucsd.edu/students/" />

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