[HTTPS-E Rulesets] New ruleset for mixi.jp

Andreas Schwarz bikinobakeru at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 11:01:51 PDT 2011


I tried to make a new ruleset for the Japanese social networking website Mixi.jp

Here it is:

<ruleset name="Mixi.jp">
  <target host="www.mixi.jp" />
  <target host="mixi.jp" />

  <!-- BF_SESSION and BF_STAMP are the cookies associated with a
login. Cannot login if following line is uncommented. -->
  <!-- <securecookie host="^mixi\.jp" name=".*" /> -->

  <!-- There is a possibility that a user has
http://mixi.jp/home.pl?from=global in his favorites. -->
  <rule from="^http://(www\.)?mixi\.jp/(home\.pl(\?.*)?)?$"

As said above, forcing the secure cookie does not work. Another
problem is once the user is logged, Firefox complains:

Redirection loop trying to set HTTPS on:
(falling back to HTTP)

If someone is interested, I will gladly try to improve this.



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