[HTTPS-E Rulesets] A question regarding a revised HON ruleset (May 6, 2011 message)

mezzanine at Safe-mail.net mezzanine at Safe-mail.net
Sun May 8 15:54:34 PDT 2011

I previously sent a message, dated May 6, 2011, that included a
ruleset for HON (Health On the Net) among others. This specific
HON ruleset was revised from a previous one and the
trivial-validate script indicated that the revised HON ruleset
was valid, from what one remembers. If there is a specific
problem or issue regarding the revised ruleset, it would be
useful to know what it is. (I do know that the revised ruleset
breaks certain images, though as bugs go this is not as serious
as it could be. From what one can tell, the problem is that the
affected images are referenced via relative URLs in the Web
pages. If they were referenced via absolute URLs, it would
probably be possible to use exclusion patterns to allow the
affected images to load via HTTP.)


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