[HTTPS-E Rulesets] Setting up web-based GIT - Without using offline software?

Victor Garin vic.garin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 06:34:20 PDT 2011

It was mentioned in this mailing list, that it is easier for you to
add the rules if they are in .git format.

Can someone explain how I can do this? Is there some online
application, which makes a copy of the official HTTPS Everywhere.git,
without me having to download it on my computer, so I just upload the
.xml file.

I tried using gitorious.org, but it is very confusing to set it up. It
was asking for SSH key.


I also tried installing git software.

irst, tell git your name:

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "you at example.com"

Then, get a copy of the 'origin' repository:

git clone git://git.torproject.org/https-everywhere.git
cd https-everywhere

Then I get stuck on the next part:

To create a test XPI, you'll need a Cygwin environment under Windows.
Simply run this from the https-everywhere.git toplevel directory:

sh ./makexpi.sh

This should create an xpi file in ./pkg that you can install using a
file:// url.

I installed Cygwin but I am not sure where to type "sh ./makexpi.sh"
in CMD or GIT Bash? Also I am not sure if GIT Bash / Cygwin is
configured properly to work together.

Thats why I am wondering if there is an online only way like how
Google Docs does for Microsoft Word.

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