[HTTPS-E Rulesets] Reddit+

https-everywhere at lists.grepular.com https-everywhere at lists.grepular.com
Tue Feb 1 01:50:32 PST 2011

On 01/02/2011 02:21, Rob Raines wrote:

> <!-- I modified the normal Reddit ruleset to work for redditmedia.
>     While no confidential data is passed on this domain (that I
>     know of) I just wanted to have as much of Reddit.com encrypted
>     as possible, also my work place doesn't filter https sites.
>  -->

If a ruleset for redditmedia is added, it should be a separate distinct
ruleset to the main one and have default="off" set. This is because the
certificate doesn't match the domain and so displays warnings.

Mike Cardwell https://grepular.com/  https://twitter.com/mickeyc
Professional  http://cardwellit.com/ http://linkedin.com/in/mikecardwell
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