[HTTPS-E Rulesets] HTTPS Finder - Finds HTTPS sites while you browse + Automatic Rule maker

Victor Garin vic.garin at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 14:15:36 PDT 2011

"HTTPS Finder automatically detects and enforces valid HTTPS
connections as you browse, as well as automating the rule creation
process for HTTPS-Everywhere (instead of having to manually type
"https://" in the address bar to test, and writing your own XML rule
for it). "


So to all the rule set contributors, this may help you find more websites.

Also wondering if this could be incorporated into HTTPS Everywhere
somehow? So people can automatically submit websites (without much
effort - just 1 click and submit) to be added to HTTPS Everywhere.

Maybe some new check box like:

x Find new rules
x Submit new rules to HTTPS Everywhere

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