[HTTPS-E Rulesets] rules for torrentfreak, securityweek.

Seth David Schoen schoen at eff.org
Tue Apr 5 11:11:40 PDT 2011

Andreas Jonsson writes:

> On 2011-04-05 15.35, Osama Khalid wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 05, 2011 at 01:15:10PM +0200, Andreas Jonsson wrote:
> >> You want the files to be renamed to TorrentFreak.xml|SecurityWeek.xml,
> >> or do you want the ruleset name to be TorrentFreak? Or perhaps both?
> > 
> > Well, I didn't notice that the ruleset names included '.com'. I think
> > both of them shouldn't have '.com'.
> > 
> > Thank you.
> This will probably lead into problems as the ruleset list is growing.
> For instance, the rules:
> IDG.com.au.xml
> IDG.se.xml
> Would then have to merge, which might be OK. While they are individual
> entities, they do have the same parent company (but if we group after
> parent company, then CIO.com.au would also go into this rule).
> Problems would instead arise when adding desirable domainnames with
> different TLDs. An example would be iis.se and iis.es. These two
> entities have nothing to do with each other, but would still end up in
> the same ruleset. The same problem occurs with st.org(labor union)
> st.com (micro electronics)
> Simply going by title (in the ruleset name) wouldn't be that desirable
> either, "iis" instead of "iis.(se|es|??)". Which iis? (but OTOH, we
> don't want separate rulesets for google.(com|fr|uk|??) etc.

So far I've tried to discourage the use of gTLDs (and, to some extent,
ccTLDs) in rule file names if it seems like it's not necessary for
disambiguation.  But my make-trivial-rule script doesn't know whether
it's necessary or not and always includes the full domain name.  I
agree that over time the full domain name is likely to seem more
and more useful, so maybe I should stop discouraging it.

Seth Schoen
Senior Staff Technologist                         schoen at eff.org
Electronic Frontier Foundation                    https://www.eff.org/
454 Shotwell Street, San Francisco, CA  94110     +1 415 436 9333 x107

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