[Certbot-dev] Certbot 1.25.0 Release

Erica Portnoy erica at eff.org
Wed Mar 16 13:36:14 PDT 2022

Certbot 1.25.0 has just been released. The changelog for the release is:

## 1.25.0 - 2022-03-16

### Changed

* Dropped 32 bit support for the Windows beta installer
* Windows beta installer is now distributed as "certbot-beta-installer-win_amd64.exe".
  Users of the Windows beta should uninstall the old version before running this.
* Added a check whether OCSP stapling is supported by the installer when requesting a
  certificate with the `run` subcommand in combination with the `--must-staple` option.
  If the installer does not support OCSP and the `--must-staple` option is used, Certbot
  will raise an error and quit.
* Certbot and its acme module now depend on josepy>=1.13.0 due to better type annotation

### Fixed

* Updated dependencies to use new version of cryptography that uses OpenSSL 1.1.1n, in
  response to https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv/20220315.txt.

More details about these changes can be found on our GitHub repo.

This release is being done mid-month to pickup several security fixes in our dependencies, and is a minor release (rather than a point release) due to a deprecation in our testing pipeline since the last minor release. We do not anticipate any issues caused by the change in timeline, but any unanticipated issues can be mentioned in the associated thread on the Let's Encrypt community forums: https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/certbot-1-25-0-release/173954
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