[Certbot-dev] Certbot 1.17.0 Release

Brad Warren bmw at eff.org
Tue Jul 6 11:04:06 PDT 2021

Certbot 1.17.0 has just been released. The changelog for the release is:

## 1.17.0 - 2021-07-06

### Added

* Add Void Linux overrides for certbot-apache.

### Changed

* We changed how dependencies are specified between Certbot packages. For this
  and future releases, higher level Certbot components will require that lower
  level components are the same version or newer. More specifically, version X
  of the Certbot package will now always require acme>=X and version Y of a
  plugin package will always require acme>=Y and certbot=>Y. Specifying
  dependencies in this way simplifies testing and development.
* The Apache authenticator now always configures virtual hosts which do not have
  an explicit `ServerName`. This should make it work more reliably with the
  default Apache configuration in Debian-based environments.

### Fixed

* When we increased the logging level on our nginx "Could not parse file" message,
  it caused a previously-existing inability to parse empty files to become more
  visible. We have now added the ability to correctly parse empty files, so that
  message should only show for more significant errors.

More details about these changes can be found on our GitHub repo.

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